Birth Order Traits..
Which one is you??
Birth Order can have a large impact on your life. At first it may seem abstract and unimaginable, but these birth order personalities can affect your job, family and basically your entire life.
Birth Order patterns are divided into 3 basic types, these are the first child, the last child and the middle child.
The First Born
Strongest Personality – First borns are usually the leaders. They usually have the characteristics and qualities that enable them to make decisions easily. This maybe due to the special attention they receive since they are the first, and parents would be very excited with them.
Family Minded – First borns take the position of their parents when they are not around, making them the decision makers. They would then think of the family as their own, thus they are protective and responsible for their siblings. They are unselfish and caring by nature.
The Middle Child
Peace keepers – Middle children are peacekeepers by default. They are the mediators between the siblings. They are sometimes associated as “people pleasers” due to their weak personalities, but not all of them have this characteristic.
Attention Getter – By being born at the middle, middle children do not receive much attention. This causes them to get attention whenever they can through any means possible, so often they become the black sheep of the family. Lack of attention can cause a chain reaction making them lose confidence, friends and so on.
The Last Born
Smartest – By being the last, they have seen the rights and wrongs of their siblings, making them the smartest. Often, the youngest will be exposed to matters between their siblings which are older, thus making them a bit mature for their age.
Spoiled – By this time, the parents are tired of their children. Most of their energies in disciplining the children have been used up, thus having none for the youngest. Because of this, the child becomes accustomed to no discipline at all, making them spoiled and hard headed.
shafiza: Im the first one! Yeay.. MatNour: Im the last one... But we all still can be a good..good friend :) Do and comment us! |
shafiza the older one?haaa no wonder la BOSSY.hahahha :P
im the bossy one!
so.. matnour will be my victim..hehe:)
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