Our Thoughts on…
…Great Leader Are Not Born, They Are Made… Let me paraphrase it… Great Leader Are MADE, Not BORN... This is one of the most frequently asked questions in all leadership development.
To begin with, let's start with a definition of "leader". Leader is the person who leads or commands a group, organization, or country. Or there is a person, Dr. Paul Hersey, defines leadership as "working with and through others to achieve objectives." Given this definition, anyone in a position whose achievement requires the support of others can play the role of a leader.
There has been a debate for quite some time concerning the issue of what makes a great leader. This debate can be sum up into two schools of thought. One school proposes that leaders are a select of few people who are born with the unique set of skill and have recherché leadership abilities. Other school of thought proposes that leaders are made, that is they learn, grow and develop into great leaders through the books they read and the people they associate with.
There are many well-educated and motivated people who lack the knowledge of how to lead others. So they don’t assume leadership positions, or if they do, they don’t do very well in them. They and others too, assume that these individuals just weren’t born to be leaders.
Here are some tips we got from the internet on how to be a leader or polish one's skill as a leader.
- Maintain absolute integrity. Leadership is a trust. If others don’t trust you completely, they will not follow you in every instance. Instead, they will try to decide each situation on its own merits, whether to trust you or not. If the environment you are in is relatively calm, you may be able to lead without too much difficulty. But if your situation requires you to make real demands on others, at a time when you must really depend on them, they will hesitate to support you. Then the lack of complete trust will be apparent and may well cause you to fail.
- Know your stuff. If you are the leader, those that would follow you don’t care two straws about whether you are good at office politics or not. They want you to be competent and know what you are doing. That’s what counts for them. So, your office politicking may get you promoted, but it will not win the respect of those you want to follow you. Only what you know and what you can do will do that.
- Declare your expectations. You can’t get there until you know where there is. Decide on your “there” and then continually promote your goals, objectives, and vision.
- Show uncommon commitment. You can bet no one else is going to be committed to your goals if you aren’t.
- Expect positive results. Winners expect to win and losers expect to lose. Vincent Lombardi, one of the greatest football coaches of all time said, “We never lose, but sometimes the clock runs out on us.” You can expect positive results and still not get exactly what you want. But, research demonstrates that those who “think positive” achieve more wins than losses and overall better results than those that don’t.
- Put duty before self. As a leader, you have a duty to accomplish the mission you are assigned, and you have a duty to take care of those who follow you. Sometimes the mission must come first, sometimes your followers comes first. However, the interests of both must always come before the personal interests or well-being of the leader.
- Get out in front. This law includes setting the example, and being where the action is. Don’t sit in an air-conditioned office making decisions and call that leadership. Go out and talk to your people. See what’s going on and be seen. That’s leadership!
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